Here’s a lovely story of The Streetwise magazine competition winner Cathy Munday.(Facebook readers click on the before photograph seen to see the full story and results!!)
Cathy wrote to us asking to be nominated, a disabled single mum of 2 beautiful daughters “I used to take pride in my appearance and was quite a socialite, now though my confidence is rock bottom and I rarely even go out. And as I get older, greyer and fatter it gets worse of course. I would really appreciate this boost. My daughters say I need my eyebrows doing. (Mine are blonde and I have no bottom Lashes at all). Having Multiple Sclerosis means I have little control of my muscles and my ability to put make up on is Naff! I work places were it doesn’t matter thankfully”
Cathy came to the Pretty Permanent Make-up salon in Felbridge and had an eyebrow and eyeliner enhancement. Here’s what she had to say and how she looks before and after.
In a quick interview, Cathy explained how she had a wonderful experience and by having the enhancements it has transformed her life. As an ‘outdoorsy type’ people had never expected her to do something like have permanent make-up but she is SO glad and HAPPY HAPPY she did! It inspired her to carry on with a beauty regime and rejuvenated her. Cathy said she feels so much more confident, that she’s now started online dating as she feels that now someone might find her attractive! Cathy couldn’t be feeling any better or happier right now, and just in time for her 50th birthday too!
We love your new Look Cathy!