We have decided to put on here some important tips on your semi-permanent makeup so everyone can have a look at what not to do.
So in order to get the best out of your treatment follow these Semi permanent make up tips:
- Do not take Vitamin B12 as this interferes with anaesthetic and you will not numb.(please be wary of multi vitamin as quite often they contain B12
- Any slimming mixtures as theses interfere with the anaesthetic and you will not numb.
- Any diet pills as theses interfere with the anaesthetic and you will not numb.
- Any caffeine drinks (this really only matters on the day of the treatments) as theses interfere with the anaesthetic and you will not numb.
- Omegas 3.6,9 (this also includes fish ) as this thins the blood and the pigment will bleed out, it also cause swelling and bruising.
- Aspirin and ibuprofen as this thins the blood and the pigment will bleed out, it also cause swelling and bruising. you Can take codeine or paracetamol AN HOUR BEFORE your treatment.
- If you are having eyeliner and have sensitive eyes you CAN take an antihistamine.
- Do not wear your contact lenses if you are having eyeliner .
- Do not take any natural anti depressants as this thins the blood and the pigment will bleed out, it can also cause swelling and bruising.
- If you suffer from coldsores can can take an amino acid called lysine that will help prevent you getting after having semi permanent make up on the lips.
- Do not Smoke on the morning of your treatment as this may cause the pigment to bleed out, it also cause swelling and bruising.
- If you are having eyeliner do not smoke in an enclosed space as the toxins from cigarettes can cause any eye infection, avoid being in an enclosed space with other smokers as the toxins from cigarettes can cause any eye infection.
- Do NOT stop taking a prescribed medication with our consulting your g.p always disclose what medication you are on with your therapist at the consultation before you semi permanent make up treatment.