Why have my eyebrows gone?!

There is an extensive amount of reasons why people lose their eyebrow hair, we are going to cover some of those today and what you can do to counteract them. 

If your hair has fallen out or is generally sparse or thin now for any of thbefore and after 1ese following reasons, or perhaps as a result of something else, then book in a consultation with Mary-Anne who is here to help. You don’t have to live with sparse or non existent eyebrows and very often it can effect confidence. At Pretty Permanent Makeup Mary-Anne strives to get you the best possible result and to help you regain some of that confidence in your body. 

CALL US TODAY 01342823431

1. Over plucking and eyebrow pencils. Most of you know that over plucking your eyebrows for long period time can eventually leave you with very little hair or none. However did you know that aggressively using eyebrow pencils continuously can also be a contributor to hair loss… so go easy on those brows of yours, you only have 2!



2. Medical reasons. It is very common with certain medical conditions for your hair to fall out, here are only a few to name Thyroid disease and Alopecia Areata. Some more short-term hair loss reasons can be dueto Pregnancy, Childbirth, discontinuing the use of birth control pills and menopause. Moreover taking certain drugs can also result in hair loss, so make sure you know what the consequences of what it is you are taking.


3. Malnutrition and bad diet. If you aren’t putting enough nutrients into your body then your body is not going to be functioning at optimum standards, this isn’t only from lack of eating but from eating the wrong foods. Raw foods are the best because of the properties they hold that love your body. Think of it this way; whatever you eat is going to show, whether it’s in the forms of hair loss, acne, wrinkles, greasy skin or dark circles. Putting the correct nutrients into your body is essential! Also drink enough Water!diet

4. Stress. Emotions play a big factor with your body, especially stress- your hair can fall out! Being anxious and stressed often is never does any good for you. So make sure that everyone in a while you do something just for you, treat yourself to a relaxing weekend or get your hair done. Taking care of yourself emotionally is just as important as physiological care



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