6 ‘Don’ts’ for your skin!

Here are a few ‘don’ts’ that YOU should be aware of:

1. Don’t pick or squeeze your spots. There is a big difference between you doing it and a dermatologist. You risk permanently scaring your skin, so don’t even risk it. Dab a little toothpaste on your spots over night to dry them out, lay off the sugar and drink plenty of water and don’t touch your face! They’ll be gone before you know it.

2. Please don’t over-exfoliate and over-wash your face as too much of anything is never great and can cause more damage than good, so take care of your face but don’t strip it raw because you are trying to be Shocked-Facetoo clean.

3. Don’t rub or tug around your eye area! The skin around your eyes is the thinnest, thus the more you rub and tug the quicker you wear down the skin and cause wrinkles. Nobody wants dark circles and wrinkles!

4. Smoking!! Smoking is so bad for you. No matter how you look at it, it always does harm and that shows. It’s October, so we are challenging you to stop for one week, two weeks, one month- any amount of time; once you stop the habit your skin will stop being so bad.

5. Don’t forget your suntan cream! Forget tanning, even wearing 50 SPF on your face you can get a tan, however you get it without all the tag-a-longs such as wrinkles, UV damage and cancerous skin cells. Don’t tan until your crisp, do it moderately and always wear your suntan cream!

6. Don’t neglect your skin. It can be very easy after a night out to just hit your bed, however even if you just use wipes to get rid of the gunk of makeup, it is always better than leaving it on. Leaving it on can be more damaging than you think… more wrinkles, “oh no”, spots, “please stop” and many more… listen to your skin and treat it well... it is after all your largest organ. And make sure to regularly moisturize and clean it.

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